Postgraduate Studies n° 6

Hello, today I´ll talk about postgraduate studies. First, I´ve to say that I don´t know too much about this topic, because I entered to journalism this year. However, I have an idea of what area of this career I like, so I can imagine what type of postgraduate I´ll like to do.  

Culture and show I think is the type of journalism that I´ll like to do in future. Especially cinema and music, so that I can make reviews and reports about that. In consequence, I´d do a postgraduate about that, but not immediately after finishing my undergraduate, because I don´t have hurry to go so fast.

I´d also like to do a magister in radio or television journalism. I see myself working there, so a postgraduate in those areas would be very good for my professional pretentions.

I´d like to do the postgraduate in another country, hopefully in Europe. I don´t know what country in specific, but with it being in Europe I´d be happy.

If I do a magister, I´ll like to do that full time. Maybe it could be easiest and fast, but it will be more difficult if I´m working at the same time.

Finally, I´m starting my career, reason for what I don´t know too much about these things like postgraduate, but the idea of have more studies for your curriculum and experience would be fantastic.


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