Hello, today I´ll talk about books! The truth is that I don´t read too much, because I deconcentrate easily, and I find it hard to take the rhythm of the readings, unless it's something that I like a lot. For that reason, I think I don’t have a favorite author. However, when I was in the school, I used to read almost all the books that my teacher gave me in language, so I remember one author, who is Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

I had to read three books of him. “Crónica de una muerte anunciada”, “El Coronel no tiene quien le escriba” y “Cien años de soledad”.  I really liked that books, especially the last, because it´s a strange and mysterious story about how a family is changing with their city.  Mix the surrealism with the everyday, creating a wonderful story that I must read again. Also, I have to read more about this Colombian novelist, who is one of the best in the world.

But nevertheless, my favorite book is definitely “Rayuela” from the Argentinian author Julio Cortaza.  I had to read that book in my last school year, and as I was advancing the book, I was more in love with it. That nostalgic and at the same time tragic story it´s with “Cien años de soledad” the two books that I most remember of the school.

I think I like the surrealists and magic realism books, like Rayuela and Cien años de soledad. That genre is the one that most catches me. But how I’m too lazy I haven´t much more that that, even thought I liked it and I didn´t get bored at all.  

The last book I read is “La Tregua”, from the Uruguayan novelist Mario Benedetti. This is one of the few books that I have read on my own, and I liked a lot. Without a doubt, I recommend it.


  1. I've never had the oportunity to read Rayuela, and a lot of people recommend me that book. ):
    There is nothing more representative of latinamerican literature than Realismo mágico, I think it is one of the greatest genres and I feel really proud about it!


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