Reservoir Dogs

The truth is that I have seen a lot of movies, so it's very difficult for me to choose only one as my favorite. But the one thing Im certain aboout is that my favorite director is Quentin Trantino. Definitely the guy make awesome movies, and beacause of that, I will talk about Reservoir Dogs.

This movie has a simple but extraordinary plot. It treats about six criminals, whose are contrated by a man for to do a very big crime in a Jewellery. Those thieves has a particulary, wich is that they don´t use their real names, instead of that, they use colors names. They are Mr Pink, Mr White, Mr Blue, Mr Orange, Mr Brown and Mr Blonde.

This movie has a lot of characteristic things of the Tarantino movies. I mean, it has very slow deads with excessive blood , dialogues very extensives and maybe his most characteristic hallmark, wich is black humour. In this final characteristic, I think that the casting helps a lot. Include Harvey Keitel, Tim Roth, Michael Madsen, Steve Buscemi and Chris Penn, among others. And finally, the opening song " Little Green Bag" is very nice.

I have seen this filme a lot of times and never get bored. Always produced me the same feeling of entertainment and also I always find different things that before I didn´t saw. In summary, it has all that I looking for in a movie.

In general, I like all the movie genders, but my favorites are suspense, black comedy and thriller.

The last movie I saw was The Nun. I think it was very good and I  totally recommend it.


  1. Ohh I haven´t seen it yet and it sounds great. Maybe if I have time in the next week I will see it


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